Baby discovered ‘inside woman’s liver’ in extremely rare ectopic pregnancy
A baby has been discovered growing inside a woman’s liver in ‘exceptionally rare’ ectopic pregnancy.
Paediatrician Michael Narvey of Children’s Hospital Research
Institute of Manitoba in Canada who shared the discovery on
his TikTok account @nicu_musings, said sometimes babies are seen in the
abdomen but never in the liver.
He wrote;
“I thought I had seen it all – a 33-year-old woman comes in with a
14-day history of menstrual bleeding and 49 days since her last
menstrual period.“What they find in the liver is this: a baby.
“She had an ectopic pregnancy in her liver.
“We see these sometimes in the abdomen but never in the liver. This is a first for me.”
Surgeons were able to save the woman’s life but not that of the
growing foetus. The video the medical doctor shared has been viewed more
than 3million times in just two days and attracted nearly 17,000